Catholic Charities USA renews its commitment to racial equity as a national goal and priority through a call to our sisters and brothers to advocate for specific policy proposals.

A new way of understanding what it means to be “American,” and who is included in that self-understanding, is urgently needed for both the integrity of our faith and our survival as a nation.
These policy proposals outline the key racial justice initiatives for which CCUSA’s Social Policy Team advocates, including improved fair housing laws, stronger laws to punish predatory lenders, quality educational opportunities for those who are poor and disadvantaged and comprehensive criminal justice reform.

Related publication
Issue Brief on Poverty and Racism 2020
An invitation to join Catholic Charities USA in a bold effort to be more effective agents and allies in the ongoing struggle against every manifestation of racial injustice and bias.
Given the momentous shift occurring in our racial demographics, tolerating racial injustice and economic deprivation are realities we can no longer afford to indulge.