Parish Engagement

Help vulnerable people realize their potential.
The Mutual Mission
Catholic Charities agencies fulfill the Church’s social mission by providing services, advocating for a just social order and convening the church and others of goodwill to respond to the needs of their communities. Staff members offer a wealth of knowledge and expertise to help parishes pursue this mission.
A strength of parishes is their significant diocesan-wide reach as well as their connections and insight into the community. They can provide volunteers, financial and spiritual support, and in-kind contributions to Catholic Charities programs.
Parish Engagement Programs
Catholic Charities agencies assist parishes to care for the poor and vulnerable and work for justice. These strategic collaborations with parishes can greatly increase the impact of Catholic Charities programs and services.

expanding impact
Propose and create strategic partnerships with parishes to expand the reach and impact of Catholic Charities programs and services.

catholic social mission
Promote formation on the Catholic social mission through presentations on Catholic social teaching and opportunities for theological reflection.

Raising awareness
Raise awareness of parish social ministry by educating parish leadership on what parish social ministry is and why it is important.

Justice Work
Promote community organizing, economic development and social policy advocacy ministries.

training and engaging
Capacity Building
Build capacity for parish social ministry by providing training or consultation and engaging the parish community.

building ties
Facilitate networking between parish-based social ministry staff, diocesan volunteers, ecumenical partners, community nonprofits and government entities for best practices sharing, problem-solving, community building and spiritual development.

Whole Hearted
A four-part program designed to help parishes and individuals understand the causes and effects of trauma and how Catholic spirituality can help heal its wounds.
Need Assistance? Find a local Catholic Charities agency.
The Impact
Every day, across the country, Catholic Charities reaches out to vulnerable people. Our ministry is grounded in Catholic social teaching.

Parishes engaged with Catholic Charities agencies

Parish volunteers

Hours of volunteer service

Parish social ministry
CCUSA resources provide insight into the depth and breadth of our ministry, which includes service, advocacy and convenings.
Catholic Charities agencies can help educate and organize parishes to advocate for justice, peace and human dignity with government at all levels and address local, diocesan, state, national and global needs.

Scott Hurd
Scott has served as CCUSA’s vice president of leadership development and Catholic identity since 2015. He administers CCUSA’s two O’Grady Leadership Institutes and CCUSA’s relationship with the University of San Diego’s Certificate on Nonprofit Executive Management and is staff liaison to CCUSA’s Parish Social Ministry Leadership Team. He also serves on the Catholic Identity Committee of Caritas Internationalis.