There is a part of each of us that aches when we see an individual on the street holding a sign or bent over a piece of foil, semi-conscious or passed out. In response, some of us give out cash or food; some look away and impatiently wait for the light to change; some yell profanities out of resentment for what they judge to be the outcome of someone else’s poor choices in life. No matter our response, in these moments, we witness a condition of human existence that is truly difficult to reconcile or understand. Many of us wonder, “What can we do?”
As a housing first agency, Catholic Charities Eastern Washington (CCEW) provides direct service to some of the most vulnerable people across our state: those who have experienced chronic homelessness, who have been institutionalized for mental health challenges and those who have succumbed to substance use disorders. Housing first means we open our doors to people in the worst of conditions to provide housing for them, dramatically changing their situations – protecting them from the extreme elements of nature, protecting them from people who would cause them harm, offering the dignity of a toilet, a bed and a home, for the first time in perhaps a very long while. For our Integrated Case Management (ICM) team, this is where our work begins.
Every day, our multifunctional team of case workers strategically engages the resources and partnerships in our communities, helping clients navigate the complexities of care. We connect participants with the support necessary to treat their drug addiction and to the medical appointments that will help restore their bodies from years of hard living on the streets. Each client has their own struggles and is a partner in creating their individualized care plan, giving them ownership and buy-in for a path to a healthier future. In this space, each day is another opportunity for the revitalization of body, mind and spirit – the essence of our humanity.
In truth, the mission of Catholic Charities could state no more clearly that which our ICM team does every day: We affirm the dignity of every person, providing them with service and advocacy, and out of the worst of circumstances, we help create stability and hope.
Our work is incredibly difficult, but our outcomes are clearly observed in the life of the individual who kicks their addiction, who secures a job and starts paying their own bills, or who reconnects with their family for the first time in years. These individuals – who to some were the scourge of our society – have become our best beacons of hope and inspiration, a testament to the power of community and the human spirit in a hurting world.
Each client is, and has always been, someone’s child, someone’s loved one, someone’s friend. Let us never be too proud to understand that through a change of circumstances, their situation could also be our own. It is our deep privilege to be a part of their journey. Everyone can join us in this effort, for we are all called to do as the Gospel proclaims:
“…‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” – Matt. 22:37–39