Since its founding, the Catholic Charities network has advocated for just and fair policies that help individuals and families who are poor and vulnerable reach their full potential. Our Catholic tradition teaches that society, acting through government and civil organizations, has a special obligation to consider the needs of these populations.

As Congress and the Biden administration finalize priorities for the 117th Congress, CCUSA’s Social Policy Team advocates for funding to ensure people remain housed, fed and healthy.
CCUSA calls on Congress to consider prioritizing poverty and racial justice; housing and homelessness; food and nutrition; climate change; support for disaster relief; economic security; support for children, youth and seniors; immigration and refugee policies; religious liberty; and the protection of all human life.
Among the specific asks are ensuring greater accountability and transparency in the mortgage industry; capping the interest rate for short-term loans; offering remedial education and job training programs; expanding access to employment, education and services for formerly incarcerated individuals; and investing in education programs such as pre-K, early Head Start and Head Start programs.
CCUSA welcomes the opportunity to collaborate with Congress in service to the common good of the nation, with a particular concern for the vulnerable families and individuals we serve every day.