Walmart grants CCUSA $2 million for poverty, hunger reduction efforts

Alexandria, Va. (February 1, 2017) – Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) has received a $2 million grant from the Walmart Foundation to reduce hunger among people who are struggling with poverty.
The grant money will be distributed by CCUSA to Catholic Charities agencies across the United States in support of their poverty reduction efforts in their local communities. Specifically, the grant money will be used to help eligible persons enroll into the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as the food stamps program; to provide case management for individuals and families on SNAP; to help improve rural food distribution; and to launch several new providers of summer meal programs. The period of the grant extends from November 1, 2016 to October 30, 2017.
Sister Donna Markham OP, PhD, President and CEO of CCUSA, greeted news of the grant award with gratitude to the Walmart Foundation and solicitude for those who will receive the benefits: “Thanks to Walmart a significant number of people will be aided in maintaining a healthy diet, which is such a dire need in our country. More than 50 percent of the people served at Catholic Charities agencies come to us because they are hungry.”
It is the mission of the Walmart Foundation to create opportunities so people can live better. It is the responsibility of the Walmart Foundation to make a positive impact in the communities they serve. Whether it is through grants (provided to the thousands of organizations that share the Foundation’s mission) or through inspiring volunteer efforts of Walmart associates, the Walmart Foundation is passionate about helping people live better, one community at a time. For more information about the Walmart Foundation please visit their website at http://foundation.walmart.com.