The truth will set you free

As I contemplate today’s gospel reading, I am struck by the words “truth” and “truly” spoken by Jesus in his discourse to some of his followers: “If you remain in my word, you will truly be my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
Jesus reminds us that the word of God is a valid and direct message from God. If we embrace it wholeheartedly, it will reshape our lives and set us free from doubt and anguish. This renewal process will provide order in our lives by setting priorities on our actions, thoughts, and spiritual practices.
How often do we forget to trust in the word of God, and succumb to our fears and doubts? Living in a society rife with suffering and division that fosters this sense of despair, it is easy for us to overlook the gift of faith and rely on more tangible comforts and external relief. Yet Jesus is telling us that if we have faith in God we will be freed from the negative aspects and doubts that infuse our daily endeavors. For many of us this is not an easy task, as we get caught up in the business of our lives. God, faith, and spiritual devotion often fall into the “if I have time” category. “If I have time” I will go to Mass, meditate on the rosary, spend time in adoration, read scripture, etc.
As we get closer to the Easter season, let us challenge ourselves to bring our spiritual practices to the forefront of our activities, even if it is something as simple as having a conversation with God in prayer while commuting. Simple steps can lead to the greatest relationship imaginable – a relationship that will infuse our lives with joy and internal peace. Let us give Jesus the time and attention He deserves in our lives so He will set us free.
May the remainder of your Lenten journey be fruitful and your Easter season be illuminated with the joy of the resurrection.
Andrea T. Cecilli is Development Operations Manager at Catholic Charities USA.