Christ with me, Christ before me

Since I’m wearing a Claddagh necklace while starting this reflection, I thought it would be fitting to reflect on this Feast of St. Patrick. I’ve always found his Breastplate Prayer so beautiful. As I read this prayer today, I started thinking about all of the places Christ is with those we serve. Let us spend this fifth Sunday of Lent in prayer, truly recognizing and advocating for Christ, who is with all those in need.
Christ with me… as I sit in prison
Christ before me… knocking on the door of my new foster home
Christ behind me… as I wait in line for food
Christ in me… developing in a mother’s womb
Christ beneath me… supporting my desk in my new classroom
Christ above me… covering my storm-damaged roof
Christ on my right… while I’m waiting to see a doctor
Christ on my left… while I’m waiting to cross a border
Christ when I lie down…on a plastic mat in a shelter
Christ when I sit down … at a senior center table alone
Christ when I arise… bringing me hope and strength to start a new day
Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me… let us remember the forgotten
Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me… let us speak truth and healing
Christ in every eye that sees me… let us know that we are noticed
Christ in every ear that hears me… let us listen to those in need
Let us be the ears, eyes, mouth and heart for all those in need.
Devyn Buschow currently serves as the Parish Relations Program Manager at Catholic Charities Dallas. She’s got just enough Irish in her to truly wish you a Happy St. Patrick’s Day!