Feast of the Holy Innocents

“We are an Easter people and Alleluia is our song!”
For some, the accounts of Jesus’ resurrection in the Gospels are beautiful stories of an event experienced by the disciples long ago. We believe that Jesus has risen from the dead based on these accounts, but do we realize resurrection’s implications in our own lives? As we read in the letter to the Colossians, “For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ your life appears, then you too will appear with him in glory.”
Recently, an elderly friend of mine, a religious sister for more years than I have been alive, confided in me that she was afraid to die. While I understood this fear was brought on by her physical frailty and concern over contracting Covid, her statement filled me with both confusion and sorrow. Sister had faithfully lived her life responding to God’s call and trying to make God’s love visible in the world (her congregation’s mission). How could she not be looking forward to meeting her Beloved face-to-face and enjoying the new life bought for us by Jesus’s suffering, death and resurrection?
For those of us who love God, seek God’s will and try to follow the “narrow way” — especially those of us who work at bringing God’s love to others through the Catholic Charities ministry — our hope in salvation is paramount. While we at times experience the darkness of sin and suffering symbolized by the season of Lent through which we just passed, the truth worth celebrating is that we are Easter people.
As you sing “Alleluia” today and throughout the coming weeks, let it fill you with joyful anticipation of the moment when you will be united with the glorified Christ and with all those who, like you, have fed the hungry, clothed the naked, comforted the confused and the sorrowful and given shelter to the homeless.